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Most popular forum: Finding Hosts (63 posts, 13 threads)

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Host asking for donations (17 replies)
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Shannon Curtis House Concert Guide (9 replies)
Some tips from a newbie (9 replies)
Solo Acoustic setup w/backdrop idea (8 replies)
Introducing Nate Maingard (8 replies)
Live Recording (7 replies)
How long are your HCs? (6 replies)
Sit or Stand? (5 replies)
House concerts interfering with regular bookings (5 replies)
Credit Cards? (4 replies)
Guarantee vs donation shows? (4 replies)
Host asking for donations (37,715 views)
How to find hosts? (33,629 views)
HC Banter (30,275 views)
a PA that fits in a backpack (27,612 views)
getting started (25,225 views)
Some tips from a newbie (20,171 views)
Solo Acoustic setup w/backdrop idea (18,078 views)
Introducing Nate Maingard (17,997 views)
Credit Cards? (17,726 views)
Live Recording (16,694 views)
Non singer-songwriter-like acts (16,378 views)
Sit or Stand? (14,430 views)
Shannon Curtis House Concert Guide (13,552 views)
Contracts for house concerts (13,328 views)
sample house concert invitation language (13,232 views)