Thank you so much for being part of our first-ever Virtual House Concert Tour! The following is a list of ways you can keep enjoying the music and the message of the show, and to stay connected with us.
Would you like to host one of these virtual concerts for your friends & family?
We’re currently booking virtual concerts from August onward — to get info about virtually hosting a concert for you and your most special people, email Shannon at
Would you like to be a guest at another virtual concert?
We’d love that! Just email Jamie at
Get your pop-up store goodies:
The Shannon Curtis Web Store:

And Her Whisper Becomes a Storm deluxe CD or high-quality MP3 album

“Whisper” unisex tee & women’s festival tank
“Listen” unisex tee & women’s v-neck
Stream the new album:
Spotify / Apple Music / Tidal
Listen to our Misfit Stars podcast:
A weekly conversation between Shannon & Jamie about the important stuff happening in the world and in their lives.
Tune in anywhere you listen to podcasts, like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or listen at

Join our Misfit Stars patron community:
This is an amazing group of people who support the work we do in an ongoing way, with small-dollar monthly patronage subscriptions. It’s a way to be directly involved in supporting and sustaining our art, music, and community.
Everyone who supports us by becoming a member of Misfit Stars gets invited to our private Facebook discussion group; if you want a nurturing, mutually supportive place to talk through the deeper stuff in life with a kind, understanding group of people, this is for you.
Sign up here:

Join our Love Letter email list:
Letting us stay in touch with you is one of the best ways you can show your support for what we’re doing. We look forward to keeping connected with you!

Register to vote:
Democracy only works if we all show up.
Register or check your registration here:

Connect with Shannon & Jamie:
Friend us on Facebook: @shannonkcurtis / @hilljam
Follow us on Twitter: @shannoncurtis / @hilljam
Connect with us on Instagram: @shannoncurtismusic / @hilljam
Send us email: /
Learn more about Shannon’s work:
Learn about Jamie’s work as a record producer: