2020101 CD & streaming album release day is TODAY!

Stream it wherever you listen to music — like Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, or Amazon. Don’t forget to add it to your playlists!

AND/OR … order a CD or digital album directly from us HERE.

We have made a very limited number of CDs, so if you want one, come and get your copy today!

I really, really loved making this album. It’s perhaps my favorite one we’ve ever done, in particular because we did it in partnership with you.Every song on this record originated with your stories, and it was a lifeline for me to connect with you in this unique way over our shared experiences — the good, the bad, the ugly, and the surprisingly magical — of the year 2020.

Thank you so much for being a part of this album project, and thank you so much for listening.

And don’t forget what’s happening TOMORROW NIGHT:

The 2020101 Virtual Concert

Saturday, October 23
7p west / 10p east


I am unreasonably excited for this concert. We have prepared something for you unlike any performance I’ve ever done. It has stretched me and challenged me so much that it made me doubt everything about my life as an artist, and it’s ultimately given me a massive amount of renewed excitement and gratitude for being a creator. I really, really can’t wait to share this performance with you.

Click that YouTube link, set yourself a reminder, and we’ll see you Saturday night!

Wanna hang out with us at the Zoom afterparty? It’s a Misfit Stars exclusive afterparty, so if you’d like to come, all you gotta do is be a member of Misfit Stars, and you can do that here —> misfitstars.com/join ✨

Love and celebration — shannon