I normally don’t like Valentine’s Day…

… but this year was different. I’ll tell you why.

Valentine’s Day can be great — don’t get me wrong. Like when I was little, my mom started a tradition of fun Valentine’s Day celebrations with me and my sister. She always did something really special for us — and still does! And that’s really awesome. But you know what I mean about how V-Day can be a drag, right? Depending on your romantic situation, there might be any number of roller-coaster emotions involved. And then there’s the idea that it was a holiday invented by Hallmark, yada-yada-yada…

Anyway, THIS year was cool. I got to spend it playing a show for the good people in Sacramento, and what a night! Thank you to all the friends who came out, and welcome to all the new ones I made that night! The headliner was Andy McKee — an amazing guitar player and a really nice guy. There was all sorts of love in the air among friends, family, and music-lovers, and that made it the best kind of Valentine’s I can imagine. 🙂

Oh, and there was a video shot that evening! Hopefully it’ll be posted on YouTube soon, and I will surely let you know when it is.
