Hi friends! We’ve made it to the end of what’s been quite a week so far:

On Monday, Jamie and I gave away
66 FREE T-shirts! (You all apparently love free T-shirts!)

For every shirt we gave away, we also gave $5 to the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center’s fundraiser in memory of our friend Beth Caldwell, who died last month because of metastatic breast cancer.

That’s $330 (so far) toward funding promising research to find a cure for the disease that took the life of our friend, and which ends the lives of 113 people every single day.

And now it’s Friday. An extra special Friday, because it’s …
What is Free CD Friday?

Well, we want to give you free music.
Visit our online store, pick any TWO albums (CD or MP3), pay for shipping, and they’re yours. FREE.

Limit TWO albums per household.
(It’s the honor system, class, so please only select TWO albums.)
Offer ends tonight at 12 midnight.

But wait! There’s a twist!

We’d like to make the size of our donation to Fred Hutch grow in size and increase its impact, so we’re asking you to join us. Here’s how:  

Once you pick your albums, you will have the opportunity to name your own price. If you want to put $0, they’re yours — on us. Totally free.

But any amount above $0 that you choose to pay, we will donate in its entirety to the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center’s fundraiser for Beth, adding it to the donation that Jamie & I personally pledged on Monday.

“Finding a cure for dying cancer patients meant everything to Beth. This fund will go specifically to Dr. Kevin Cheung, an MBC researcher at Fred Hutch who Beth knew and believed in. One of her last messages read: ‘Get Kevin’s research the money it needs!'”

Please join us in helping to fulfill Beth’s wish.