As Jack Black would say: “Cello!”

Hi, friends!

Man, I can’t believe how fast this week is going! The sad news is that it’s almost over. The happy news is that we’re really, really close to having completed 4 new amazing recordings. I can’t WAIT for you to hear.

Thursday morning, Matt Slocum arrived with his cello. You may know Matt from his band Sixpence None the Richer. He’s the guitar player, cellist, and songwriter for that band. And he’s FANTASTIC. Sixpence hasn’t been doing much over the last few years, but apparently Matt has been using the time to practice his cello. A lot. And he’s really good. Charlie wrote a pretty challenging part for him to play on “Lay Me Down,” and it’s simply gorgeous. The cello became its very own character in the song — like it’s singing duet and counter-melody with me. Heartbreaking. By the way, Sixpence is writing for a new record this year, so — you fans out there — look out for that!

We took a little break after Matt left us and I went for a walk along the river that is directly next door to the studio. Happily humming a new song melody in my head while walking along the path and out of nowhere a lady’s dog charged me! She couldn’t hold him back and so I had to jump out of the way to avoid being attacked — right into a foot-deep mud puddle. Ick. Both feet, shoes, pants muddy up to the ankles. Ew. But at least I still have all my limbs. 🙂

Yesterday afternoon, I did main vocals for “Boomerangs” and “I Like to Think.” While Charlie was comp-ing the vocal takes into one final track, his son Sam joined us to hang out in the studio. We had a great time talking and working. Sam’s an artist as well. You should check him out here.

Joined my friends and college booking agents House and George in midtown for a burger. Man! A burger is amazing when you’re as hungry as I was.

Still no cowboy hat, folks. And time is running out! I hope your day is great. Check in with my last day in the studio today on Twitter! Oh! And I’ve started a new Facebook group for Shannon Curtis fans: I Heart Shannon Curtis. Come on over and join up!
