Friends: we have incredible news, and a full-hearted thank you: You did it. Yesterday afternoon,we reached & then soared pastthe final goalof ourSustainability Fundraiser! With overflowing gratitude and lifted spirits,Jamie and I want to say,to the 161 of you who joined us in this effort: THANK YOU. We could not do any of what we do […]
Category: Blog Posts
Will you be our rain? 🌈
Hello from springtime in the Evergreen State! Every time I look out our windows and see new neon buds sprouting from branches, and baby clover leaves springing up from the ground, it absolutely fills me with life. It’s downright impressive how this region of the country sustains its green-ness for so many months of the year. […]
NEW VIDEO: “Bending the Atmosphere”
What do you hope for in the After Time of Covid-19? Here it is! The video that you helped us make — about our dreams for what we want for ourselves, and for our world, in the era after this one. All of you — and all of your hopes and imaginations — are breathtaking. We […]