What is it? ☛  It’s all the magic and beauty and connection we’ve experienced during our summer house concert tours, but during the holiday season. What’s the show? ☛  It’s an immersive narrative experience consisting of new nostalgic stories, woven through a collection of audiencefavorites, chosen from all my records we’ve ever made going back to 2007, that share the lyrical theme of […]

Hello from … (oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m saying this) … my. own. couch. HOORAY! We are home. We are happy to be here. And we are (almost) done with our Revolutionary Acts of Optimism Tour. (It’s “almost” because even though the big final push of the tour is complete, we have one more Washington house concert this weekend. And […]

Hello from my mom’s kitchen table in Northern California! Since I last wrote to you, we’ve covered a lot of ground. And we hit a big milestone in our personal lives. And now we’re looking ahead at the final miles of the magical adventure that has been the Revolutionary Acts of Optimism Tour. So about those miles. We’ve spent the past few weeks: bombing […]